Disability Services complaint procedure

How to give feedback or make a complaint about Te Amaru—Disability services.

We are committed to providing a quality, effective service to students. If you believe the service you have received has not been acceptable, you are able to do something about it and we encourage you to do so.

We welcome comments or suggestions on any aspect of our service. You can do this by completing our online feedback form or by emailing us at disability@vuw.ac.nz or calling 04 463 6070.

If you have a complaint you can follow the below process:

  • Discuss the matter with the Disability Services staff member who provided you with the service or arranged it for you. Tell them specifically what isn’t working for you and what you would like done about it.
  • If you are not able to discuss the issue with that person, or if the matter was not resolved to your satisfaction, you may email Rachel Anderson-Smith (Manager, Disability Services) or make an appointment to see her at rachel.anderson-smith@vuw.ac.nz.
  • If the person who provided the service is also the Manager, or if the situation is still not resolved, you may email Karen Davis (Associate Director, Retention, Achievement, Equity) or make an appointment to see her at karen.davis@vuw.ac.nz.

Whoever handles your complaint will do so respectfully. You will receive acknowledgement of your complaint and be provided with a time-frame within which you will receive a response.

At any stage in the process you are welcome to seek the advice and support of the:

If the matter is a formal complaint under the policy on Meeting the Needs of Students with Impairments, please refer to the appeal provisions provided in 4.7 of the Policy.

When your complaint concerns an Academic Grievance, please refer to the process outlined in the Academic Grievance Policy or contact the Academic Policy Advisor on 04 463 5191.