
Watch videos in which students who are parents share their tips and tricks about wellbeing and overcoming challenges, plus where to find resources and support.

As a parent, you will know how important it is to look after your own wellbeing and take time for yourself.

You may find the online wellbeing resources provided by the Student Wellbeing team useful, especially the 'feel well' resources.

The University also has many services that can support you while studying. It is worth knowing a little about them before you need them.

Looking after your wellbeing while studying

In this video, some of our students who are also parents share the strategies and tips that have helped them look after themselves and their families, and get through their studies.

The challenges of studying and parenting at the same time

When facing challenges, it’s important to turn to those around you to find support. In this video, parents explain how they face the challenges that come with study, and how they overcome them.