Pania Gray (Ngāpuhi)

Pania Gray is the deputy chair of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority and a board member of the New Zealand Film Commission.

Pania Gray (Ngāpuhi) holds a number of governance roles, including as the deputy chair of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority, and as a board member for the New Zealand Film Commission.

She was previously the deputy chair of the Academic Quality Agency for New Zealand Universities, a trustee on the Māori Education Trust, and was a member of the New Zealand Council for Educational Research. She also has extensive governance experience in the not-for-profit and private sectors.

Pania is a graduate of Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington with a Bachelor of Commerce and Administration (1994), Bachelor of Arts (1996), and a Bachelor of Arts with First Class Honours (1999).

Current term

1 January 2023–31 December 2026

Number of previous terms
