Graduation statistics

View statistics on what degrees our students have graduated with, and how they've fared in their first year after graduation.

We hold two graduation ceremonies each year to celebrate our students’ successes. This information shows how many and what type of qualifications have been awarded for the past five years.

Graduates by qualification

Qualifications Awarded by Qualification Type120192020202120222023
Pre-degree certificates/diplomas 146 142 45 27 76
Bachelor's degrees 2,637 2,708 2,768 2,465 2,518
Graduate certificates/diplomas 317 304 366 254 187
Honours 215 190 205 202 174
Postgraduate certificates/diplomas 276 264 346 331 378
Master's degrees 1,054 1,107 1,104 933 935
PhDs and other doctorates 162 168 219 157 179
Total4,8074,8835,053 4,3694,447

Where graduates are in their first year after graduation

Graduates in employment, further study,
and not seeking work first year post-graduation (%)
  96% 95% 97% 98%97%


  1. Students can be awarded more than one qualification in a given year.
  2. For more information, read our Annual Report.
  3. Check Education Counts for more tertiary education sector statistics.