Eleonora Bello

Eleonora Bello studied the relationship between cultural perceptions of mental disorders and psychiatric experiences. 

A profile image of Eleonora Bello.


BA Milan
MA Milan
MA Besançon
PhD, Victoria University of Wellington


Eleonora has just completed her PhD in Italian at Victoria University of Wellington (NZ), where she has also been a tutor for Italian classes at undergraduate level. The main topic of her research deals with the fictional representation and criticism of psychiatric institutions in contemporary Italian writings, arguing that the literary discourse on mental hospitals in Italy has focused on the intricate relationship between cultural perceptions of mental disorders, personal experience of treatment and internment, and their legacy on the country’s collective memory.

After completing a first level Master PROMOITALS (teaching Italian as a second/foreign language) at the Università degli Studi di Milano (Italy), she obtained an MA in Italian literature at Université de Franche-Comté (Besançon, France). Prior to coming to New Zealand, she spent three years teaching Italian in Milan, Mexico, and France. She currently works as a student success coordinator at the Faculty of Law, and she also enjoys translating poetry in her spare time.


Senior Lecturer in Italian

Supervisor of Postgraduate Students

School of Languages and Cultures|School of Languages and Cultures

Associate Dean, Academic Programmes

Wellington Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences



Frame, Janet. Parleranno le Tempeste. Poesie Scelte (translated and edited by Eleonora Bello and Francesca Benocci), Gabriele Capelli Editore: Mendrisio, 2017).

Frame, Janet “Compasso” (translated by Eleonora Bello and Francesca Benocci), in Mosaici. Poetry in Translation, July 2016 http://www.mosaici.org.uk/?items=janet-frame.

Ricketts, Harry. “Da Half Dark” (translated by Eleonora Bello and Francesca Benocci), in Atelier online, 2 April 2016 http://www.atelierpoesia.it/portal/it/poesia-it-mul/poesia-estera-mul/item/370-harry-ricketts-da-half-dark.

Holt, L. K. “Poesie” (translated by Eleonora Bello and Francesca Benocci), in Atelier 76:49, 2015. pp. 86-96.

Frame, Janet. “Poesie” (translated by Eleonora Bello and Francesca Benocci), in Atelier online, 31 Oct 2014 http://www.atelierpoesia.it/portal/poesia/poesia-estera/frame-janet/136.