Alessandra Giorgioni

Alessandra Giorgioni explored the theories and practices of literary translation as collaborative creative writing.

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BA with Honours in Italian, 2017, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

PhD in Literary Translation Studies, 2022, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand


Alessandra translated a collection of short stories by the contemporary Italian author Leonardo Guzzo into English, exploring the theories and practices of literary translation as collaborative creative writing. She completed her PhD in Literary Translation Studies in 2022 at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.


School of Languages and Cultures

Associate Dean, Academic Programmes

Wellington Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


Giorgioni, Alessandra. "English translation of an excerpt from the novel 'La figlia della memoria' by Adele Desideri and poems by Sonia Lambertini." Journal of Italian Translation, Spring (2017): 274. 
Giorgioni, Alessandra. "English translation of poems by Eleonora Rimolo." Journal of Italian Translation, Fall (2017): 304
Giorgioni, Alessandra. "English translation of a the short story 'L’Atlante di Borges' by Leonardo Guzzo." Journal of Italian Translation, Fall (2018): 272. 
Giorgioni, Alessandra. "English translation of a short story 'L'idolo' by Leonardo Guzzo." Neke - The New Zealand Journal of Translation Studies, vol. 1, no. 1, (2018).
Giorgioni, Alessandra. "English translation of poems by Serena Dibiase." Journal of Italian Translation, Spring (2019): 286.
Giorgioni, Alessandra. "English translation of a the short story 'La Preda' by Leonardo Guzzo." Journal of Italian Translation, Fall (2019): 204.