Wing Hang Eric Yip

Eric Yip is researching on the relationship between the Catholic Church and the Chinese government in the late nineteenth century.

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PhD Candidate in Chinese
School of Languages and Cultures


B.A. (First Class Honours), University of Hong Kong

M. Phil., University of Hong Kong

Postgraduate Certificate in Education (with distinction), University of Hong Kong

Postgraduate Diploma in Chinese Language Subject Knowledge for Graduate Teachers (with distinction), University of Hong Kong

B.A. (Summa Cum Laude), International Bible College (now Heritage Christian University, Florence, Alabama, USA)


Having taught Chinese language and Chinese history in secondary schools in Hong Kong for several decades, Eric decided to go back to school as a student in retirement. He is working on the Exempla Epistolarum inter Missionarios et Mandarinos written by a Chinese Catholic priest Pierre Hoang (1830-1909) in Shanghai. His focus is on the church and state relationship during the latter half of the nineteenth century.


Senior Lecturer · Director of Asian Languages and Cultures
School of Languages and Cultures

Lecturer in French

School of Languages and Cultures