Isaac Bennett-Smith

Isaac is exploring modern stories which have been written in (or translated into) ancient languages, with a focus on ancient Greek.

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PhD Candidate in Classical Studies
School of Languages and Cultures


Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Classical Studies (First Class), Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington.

Master of Arts in Classical Studies (with Distinction), Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington.


Isaac’s current research investigates modern writing in ancient languages, especially ancient Greek. His PhD thesis focuses on Andrew Wilson’s 2004 translation of the first Harry Potter book into ancient Greek. Wilson aimed to tell the story in a way that would make sense to someone from ancient Greece. By translating for an audience that no longer exists, Wilson provides a valuable opportunity for introspection: rendering today’s world intelligible to antiquity forces us to reflect on our own lives and the everyday objects around us, which would not seem so mundane to most of human history.

Isaac also works on digital tools for learning ancient languages, and regularly translates for and performs in plays produced by the Victoria Ancient Theatre Society.


Associate Professor
School of Languages and Cultures

School of Languages and Cultures