2012 News

  • Ex PhD Student starts Postdoctoral Fellow Position

    Jo McCarter has recently started a Postdoctoral Fellow Position at Colorado State University in the Human Dimensions of Natural Resources Department at the Warner College of Natural Resources.

  • Study at Vic Day a Huge Success

    The School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences was voted the  ‘Friendliest’ stand at the Study @ Vic Day held last week.

  • The Eruption of Mount Tongariro - a Volcanologists Perspective

    Shortly before midnight on August 6, 2012, Mount Tongariro erupted for the first time in 115 years after a short period of increased seismicity. Ash samples were immediately distributed among researchers from all New Zealand Universities and GNS

  • SGEES Photo Competition - Finalists

    The final selection for the SGEES' Photo Competition has been made. Please vote for your favourite. Come and celebrate this event with us at morning tea Tuesday 31 July, 10:30 am, in room CO304.

  • New Editorial Role for Migration Expert

    Dr Gamlen, a Lecturer in the School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences, will head the new publication Migration Studies which launches in 2013.

  • SGEES Photo Competition

    This year the John Bradley Library is organizing a photo competition. winners will each have their work and name immortalized on canvas which will hang on the walls of the John Bradley Library for many years to come.

  • Student Field-trip to Nelson Lakes National Park

    Imagine participating on an interdisciplinary student fieldtrip in the northern most Southern Alps that offers tranquil beech forest, spectacular mountain scenery and crystal clear lakes.