Natasha Knack

Causal mechanisms underlying the effect of sexual arousal on sexual decision making

Natasha Knack profile-picture photograph

Natasha Knack

PhD Student
School of Psychology


Natasha’s goal as a researcher is to contribute to the prevention of both initial sexual offences and sexual recidivism. Prior to starting her PhD, Natasha spent 10 years working as a clinical research coordinator in a sexual behaviours clinic at a Canadian mental health centre. She has been involved in over 20 clinical research studies, primarily on sexual offending and problematic sexual interests, and conducted over 130 in-depth interviews with men seeking treatment for these issues. Through this experience, she became interested in how sexual arousal impacts people’s cognitive and affective processes, particularly in the context of sexual decision making. Consequently, Natasha’s PhD research aims to identify possible cognitive/affective mechanisms through which sexual arousal impacts people’s likelihood of engaging in sexual coercion or non-consensual sex. Ideally, this research will contribute to the development of an intervention that could help to mitigate the effect of sexual arousal on sexual decision making. Natasha is an ambassador for the Center for Open Science and welcomes discussions about open science practices.


BA(Hons) Criminology and Criminal Justice
MA Psychology

Research Interests

Sexual offending, sexual abuse prevention, sexual education, forensic psychology, desistance


Link to Google Scholar

PhD topic

Causal mechanisms underlying the effect of sexual arousal on sexual decision making


Associate Professor

School of Psychology

Senior Lecturer in Behaviour Analysis

School of Psychology

Lab Association

Affective and Criminal Neuroscience Lab

Directed by Dr Hedwig Eisenbarth

Our research is about the neurobiology of emotion in every-day and antisocial contexts. Psychopathic traits and aggression as well as cooperative behaviour are the constructs we use to investigate the basic mechanisms of emotion processing.