Elizabeth McLean

The life experience of adolescent Māori females in the New Zealand criminal justice system.

Elizabeth McLean profile-picture photograph

Elizabeth McLean

PhD Student
School of Psychology


Lizzie is a doctoral candidate in the School of Psychology at Victoria University of Wellington. Having previously worked in both community and prison-based forensic settings, she became interested in the interactions between Māori and the criminal justice system. Her doctoral research explores the experiences of adolescent Māori females in the youth justice system through the generation of life stories, with the expectation that this research will be used to inform policy and practice. She is supervised by Dr Clare-Ann Fortune (VUW) and Dr Simon Bennett (Massey).

Lizzie is also part of the clinical psychology programme at VUW.


Bachelor of Science with First Class Honours in Psychology
Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Bachelor of Commerce in Management

Research Interests

Kaupapa Māori research and interventions, criminal justice and forensic psychology, female offending, complex trauma, prejudice.

PhD Topic

The life experience of adolescent Māori females in the New Zealand criminal justice system.


Senior Lecturer

School of Psychology