Jordan Payne

Mechanisms of Psychological Distress in Rural New Zealand.

Jordan Payne profile-picture photograph

Jordan Payne

PhD Student
School of Psychology


Jordan completed his undergraduate and Honours degrees at the University of Auckland over a 10 year period. After a semi-successful sporting career, he joined the VUW Clinical Psychology programme in 2021. In his doctoral research, Jordan is interested in the causes of psychological distress of those living in rural New Zealand. By understanding the social, occupational and geographical components of rural living, Jordan aims to produce a psychological resource for rural health professionals.


Bachelor of Science in Psychology with First Class Honours, University of Auckland.

Research Interests

Clinical psychology, Wellbeing, Agriculture, Rural Psychology.

PhD topic

Mechanisms of Psychological Distress in Rural New Zealand


Professor of Psychology
School of Psychology

Senior Lecturer in Methods and Statistics

School of Psychology