Harry Dent

Emotional processes in correctional rehabilitation: An enactive approach

Harry Dent profile-picture photograph

Harry Dent

PhD Student
School of Psychology


Harry’s PhD, supervised primarily by Professor Tony Ward, is concerned with the way in which we understand and rehabilitate people who offend, with an emphasis on the potential role of emotion for explanation and intervention. Rather than viewing emotions as discrete, categorical phenomena, this approach views emotion as a complex set of interrelated, enactive processes which are integral to our view of our selves, the world, and our behaviours. Harry aims to explore how this view of emotion could be integrated into existing treatment models, with a focus on perspectives of narrative desistance and agency based model such as the Good Lives Model GLM. This research starts from the assumption that to change a person’s offending behaviour, we must first understand who they are and how they function as a person in their dynamic physical, social, and cultural context.


BSc (Psychology)
MSc (Forensic Psychology)

Research Interests

Correctional rehabilitation, emotion, agency, desistance


Dent, H., & Ward, T. (In press). Emotion and correctional practice: Theoretical foundations of an enactive practice framework. Aggression and Violent Behavior. doi: 10.1016/j.avb.2021.101672

Dent, H., Nielsen, K., & Ward, T. (2020). Correctional rehabilitation and human functioning: An embodied, embedded, and enactive approach. Aggression and Violent Behavior 51, 1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.avb.2020.101383

PhD topic

Emotional processes in correctional rehabilitation: An enactive approach


School of Psychology

 profile picture

Nichola Tyler


Explanation of Psychopathology and Crime Lab| Tony's Lab- Directed by Professor Tony Ward

The EPC Lab explores theoretical issues in clinical and forensic psychology, including explanations of psychopathology, crime, and rehabilitation.