Zige Hao

Supply Chain Management and Sustainability

Zige (Bruce) Hao, PhD Student
Zige (Bruce) Hao, PhD Student

Email: zige.hao@vuw.ac.nz

Office: PhD space, Level 1, Rutherford House, Pipitea campus, Wellington 6011

Supervisors: Associate Professor Vipul Jain & Professor Urs Daellenbach


Zige preferers to be known as Bruce.  After obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in international economics and Trade, Bruce pursued further education and completed a Master’s degree in Business. This led to his interest in supply chain and sustainability in different industries and the stakeholders.

His PhD will try to focus on stability and development of supply chains under the pressures of sustainability and disruption.


Master of Business, Supply Chain Management, Monash University, Australia.

Bachelor of Economics, International Economics and Trade, Changchun University of Technology, China.

Research Interests

Supply chain management, supply chain sustainability