
Samantha Ainslie, Founder of Prepped, is working at Cityfitness, passionate about health and fitness and is ensuring gym-goers meet their nutritional needs.

A young woman posing for camera

Samantha Ainslie, Founder of Prepped studied a Bachelor of Commerce, majoring in Management and Minoring in Information Systems.

Many people go to the gym to work on their health and fitness goals but often reach a plateau due to them not adequately considering their nutrition needs. Working in the health and fitness industry, I have seen just how much proper nutrition can make all the difference towards one’s health and fitness goals and it is my mission to help people boost these goals by encouraging them to eat the correct food that correlates with their goals and not just what they assume to be “healthy”.

Prepped involves the delivery of pre-prepared ingredients to the user’s door that they can then use to cook their meals for the week. The pre-prepared ingredients mean that the user is cooking a meal that is catered to their caloric needs based on their goals.


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