
Testli is an up-and-coming venture, born out of Young Enterprise Trust, developing a test strip which detects for the presence of Rohypnol, a date-rape drug.

Five young women sitting on a couch working, with a dog

Testli aims to produce a small, discrete, user friendly test strip which will react and change colour when exposed to rohypnol, otherwise referred to as roofies, alerting to the user that their drink has been tampered with.

Backed by the support of Callaghan Innovation, the School of Chemical and Physical Sciences here at Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington (THW), and the Young Enterprise Scheme, (and of course their wonderful high school business studies teacher Ms Leong), Testli set out on a mission to develop a tester strip which could detect the presence of rohypnol, aiming to aid in the prevention of Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault.

The team, led by THW student, Ava Richardson Lane, are currently in the research and development stage of their product, aiming to find a way to harness the reagent chemicals (which detect rohypnol) in a way which is safe, effective, and accurate. Testli will provide a solution to a life-or-death situation, and provide a safeguard for when you cannot be confident in the safety of your drink.

“When asked to think of a problem we though needed a solution, the issue of drink-spiking was a no-brainer. We had always heard stories bouncing around our social circles, warnings from parents, and at the end of 2020, Operation Emerald was launched, exposing a ring of Wellington drink-spikers’ and assaulters. Victims stories were posted anonymously on an Instagram account, leaving us shocked and scared at our reality. We didn’t know what was more terrifying; how widespread this was, or the fact that victims were our friends, our siblings, and our peers.” Ava Richardson Lane, Testli

Media: Students go viral on tiktok with product idea to prevent harm from drink spiking

Connect with Testli: https://www.instagram.com/testli.co/