Children’s Commissioner Series: Five missing pieces in the Youth Justice jigsaw

Children’s Commissioner Series: Five missing pieces in the Youth Justice jigsaw

Online Webinar via Zoom (Numbers are limited)

New Zealand Centre for Public Law

In this lecture 'Five missing pieces in the Youth Justice jigsaw' Commissioner Andrew Becroft focuses on the challenges for, and gaps in, Aotearoa’s youth justice system.

Commissioner Becroft was appointed as Children’s Commissioner in 2016. Throughout his term he has been a staunch and vocal advocate for the wellbeing of New Zealand’s 1.2 million children and young people. Now in the last month of his appointment Commissioner Becroft reflects on some of the big challenges left to improve life for all children and young people in New Zealand.

Associate Professor Nessa Lynch will introduce the Commissioner and will close the session by presenting some specific reform proposals for the youth justice system.