DiYi Lan


Category: International Intern 2018



My name is DiYi and I have graduated from University of Nottingham, Malaysia campus. I have immersed myself in multicultural environments and learned to understand people from their cultural views, and my final year project, which referred to international students’ acculturation and cross-cultural adaptation, opened the door for me to explore further and brought me to apply for the internship at CACR. My main interests are in three aspects for international student’s cross-cultural adaptation dynamics in higher education environment, individuals’ personality traits and values construction in multicultural society, and acculturation stress. My supervisor Prof Colleen Ward opens this opportunity to expand my methodology approach and update my understanding about acculturation among different social groups (including international students, refugees, and immigrants, etc), it is an unbeatable experience that I can understand how individuals interpret this world with their cultural background in this academic field.

Area of interest

Acculturation, personality and values, adaptation