Seven simple steps

Everyone at the University can help make it more environmentally sustainable. Here are seven easy ways to minimise your footprint.

Seven simple steps

All of us can help make the University more environmentally sustainable. Here are seven easy ways to minimise your footprint.

  1. Travel to the University using sustainable transport. Walk, cycle, catch public transport or car-pool.
  2. Get involved in sustainability initiatives at the University or start your own. Talk to the Sustainability team.
  3. Dress for the weather. Wear an extra layer if it’s cold rather than turning up the heating.
  4. If you leave a room empty turn off the lights. This is especially important in lecture theatres, meeting rooms and tutorial rooms. Don’t forget to turn off screens and projectors too.
  5. Use less paper. First, think about whether you really need to print it and if you do have to print it, make sure it’s double-sided.
  6. Recycle your waste. There are over 300 recycling bins around campus—check the signs for what goes in each bin.
  7. Report leaking taps to the Property Services Helpdesk. Let's stop the drips.

For more ideas read our Sustainability Guide It provides practical advice and ideas on how to be more environmentally sustainable while at University.