Rachael Palmer

Rachael Palmer

Category: International Intern 2010


In 2011 I was an undergrad at Furman University in South Carolina, USA. As a Psychology and Asian Studies major, I plan to continue with as a graduate student in Cross-Cultural Psychology.

My goal in life is to do research in cross-cultural psychology, which is what led me to my internship at the CACR.

During my internship I assisted with several projects, including one on Attitudes towards refugees and immigrants, and sociocultural adaptation. I also got to participate in a couple experiments as a confederate, which was very interesting. In addition to that I attended the weekly cross-cultural lab meetings and sat-in on a few classes.

All of this helped show me what research really is like, and solidified my decision to go into research in this field. I hope that in the future I get the opportunity to work in an amazing place like this again, and I definitely hope to get to return to New Zealand in the future!