
Across our buildings and grounds we are working to conserve water and have made significant improvements over the last few years.

Water conservation

We are working to conserve water across our buildings and grounds and have made good improvements so far.

Reducing water consumption is both environmentally and financially responsible. Most of the time Wellington has plenty of water available, but the occasional dry summer can put the squeeze on water supplies. Any water we use also generates environmental impacts for the city from the treatment processes, the pumping and the run-off.

Our water consumption has dropped by 30% since 2007 as a result of installing more water efficient fittings, more rigorous leak detection processes for underground reticulation, rainwater harvesting to flush toilets and minimising the watering requirements for our gardens.

On campus we have processes to ensure that we keep any hazardous materials away from wastewater and storm water streams and take regular samples to ensure our compliance requirements are met.

What can you do?

  • Report any leaking or dripping taps or toilet cisterns to the Property Services Helpdesk
  • avoid taking long showers
  • turn off any taps that have been left on.