Training sessions for postgraduate students (Honours, Masters, PhD)

Learn how to apply for human ethics approval by joining one of our training sessions for postgraduate students.


These training sessions are designed to assist student researchers to understand the ‘nuts and bolts’ of how to make an ethics application to the Human Ethics Committee and answer any questions you have about the process.


The topics that will be covered in these training sessions are:

  • when HEC approval is required
  • why ethics approval is required
  • the ethics principles that guide the committee's decisions
  • the HEC application process
  • applying through Hōkai
  • what the committee looks for in your ethics application
  • tips for your application
  • hot topics in human research ethics
  • amendments and extensions to applications.

How to take part

These sessions are held in person and on Zoom.

Training session dates

Wednesday 29 May 2024, 11 am–noon, via Zoom or in person in Rankine Brown 903. Join via this Zoom link.

Wednesday 3 July 2024, 11 am–noon, via Zoom or in person in Rankine Brown 903. Join via this Zoom link.