Maths and statistics

Many degrees have a component of mathematics or statistics to them. We can help you develop your maths and statistics skills.

Whether you are completing a mathematics or statistics paper, or have to deal with maths or statistics within the context of another paper we can help.

We offer

  • regular course-specific workshops for several core papers (great for help with assignments)
  • regular math drop-in sessions (for if you have a small question/area you need some help with)
  • one-to-one appointments (if you have larger gaps in your maths knowledge and need some dedicated and tailored support)
  • test and exam revision sessions.

To make a one-to-one appointment with the maths and statistics adviser.

Other resources

Khan Academy provides a lot of online resources for free for all levels.

Brilliant also offers a great range of online learning resources, some for free, and others you will need to pay a subscription. The free account gives you daily challenges to help you stay motivated.