
Line VestergaardCategory: International Intern 2018



My name is Line and I am from Denmark where I study at the University of Copenhagen. I am on my 6th semester of anthropology and since June I have called New Zealand my home. My adventure started in Dunedin where I was on exchange. I am an adventurer by heart and my curiosity for exploring different understandings of the world led me to find and apply for the internship at CACR. My main academic interests are the aspects of life that we tend to take for granted but whose interpretations can actually vary across cultures. I have previously worked with social and cultural views on belonging, norms, health, death and happiness. My supervisor is Prof Ronald Fisher and both his current and previous research touches similar fields of interest. Being a professor in psychology, his approach to these subjects are somewhat different from the way that I have been working as an anthropology student. For me, doing this internship with Ronald as my supervisor, it is a great opportunity to learn and practice different academic methods and explore new ideas on the world.

Area of interest

Social and cultural views on belonging, norms, health, death and happiness.