Robyn Cockburn

Robyn Cockburn


MA (Applied) in Recreation Administration (Victoria), BPhEd (Otago), GCert ACEM (VU & AIS) Melbourne

CMInstD, ARPro

Career summary

Robyn has more than 35 years’ experience working as a consultant researcher, strategist, facilitator and educator. She is the Director of Lumin working with a team of people in the arts, education and recreation sectors. She works at national, local and community levels with organisations and individuals, and uses creative, people centred approaches. Robyn is an experienced governor across the arts, recreation and education sectors.

Although Robyn’s career has spanned the breadth of the cultural sector, she is also recognised as working to develop new frames of reference for cultural institutions and visitor engagement.

Her expertise includes:

  • Directorships and National Board experience
  • Feasibility studies
  • Community needs assessments
  • Research and analysis
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Strategic planning
  • Culture change projects
  • Facilitation of organisational planning and development, team building
  • Coaching and mentoring
  • Facilitation of leadership and skill development workshops
  • Development of volunteer recruitment, selection and training resources and programmes
  • Training needs analysis, develop competency-based training programmes and curriculum design
  • Design and implementation of management systems

Current work and professional contributions

Adjunct Professor—Teaching, Museum and Heritage Studies, Victoria University of Wellington (2024–current)

  • Senior Advisor, Student Engagement and Employability, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington (2024- current)
  • Director, Lumin Ltd, (2008 - present)
  • Board Director, Sport New Zealand (2021 – current) including Member, Audit, Finance and Risk Committee
  • Board Director, Skills Active Te Mahi Ako (2022 – current) including Member, People and Culture Committee, Chair Te Mahi Ako Audit and Risk Committee (2024 – current)
  • Co-facilitator, New Zealand Olympic Wāhine Toa Women in Sport Leadership Programme (2017 – current)
  • Insights Consultant, Recreation New Zealand (2017 – current)
  • Member, Te Pae Whakatere, Sport New Zealand Hawaiki Hau (2022 – current)
  • Member, Accreditation Board, Recreation Aotearoa (2010 – current)

Professional awards

  • Fellow, New Zealand Recreation Association [Recognition of significant contributions to the Association]
  • Fellow, Physical Education New Zealand [Recognition of significant contributions to the Association]
  • ‘Outstanding Research, Policy and Planning Award', New Zealand Recreation Association, presented for Searchlight, Community and Market Analysis. 2011
  • Maunsell NZRA Scholarship Award, New Zealand Recreation Association, supporting research on “Enhancing the Work Satisfaction of Recreation Administrators”. 2007
  • Mark Mitchell Award, New Zealand Recreation Association, Recognition of outstanding contribution to the field of recreation. 1996
  • 'Outstanding Recreation Project' Award, Recreation Association of New Zealand [Recognition of applied component of the MA(Applied) in Recreation and Leisure Studies programme and its contribution to the development of people for the profession.] 1990

Previous leadership and management positions

  • Teaching Fellow, Victoria University of Wellington, Stout Research Centre of New Zealand Studies (2017 – 2024)
  • Chair/Board Member, The Shift Foundation (2018 – 2023)
  • IWG Women in Sport World Conference Programme Designer and Member, Local Organising Committee (2019 – 2022)
  • Skills Active Senior Assessor Mentor (2008 – 2020)
  • Board member, Australia New Zealand Association of Leisure Studies (2010 - 2020)
  • Chair, Sport New Zealand Leadership Framework Governance Group (2017 – 2018)
  • Member, Karori Normal School Board of Trustees (2007 – 2010)
  • Chair, Dance Aotearoa New Zealand (2005 - 2008)
  • Director, Algate Enterprises Ltd, (1988 - 2008)
  • Chairperson, Footnote Dance Company Board of Trustees, (1997 - 2002)
  • Member, Hillary Commission Women's Advisory Group, (1994 - 2000)
  • Board Member, Sport, Fitness and Recreation Industry Training Industry Organisation, (1995 - 1997)
  • Chairperson, New Zealand Recreation Association, (1992 - 1995)
  • Chairperson, NZ Schools of Dance and Drama Premises Management Trust Board, (1992 - 1995)
  • Chairperson, NZ School of Dance Trust Board, (1990 - 1996)
  • National President, Physical Education New Zealand, (1986 - 1990)
  • Consulting Trainer, New Zealand School of Training for Trainers, (1988 - 1993)
  • Lecturer, Recreation and Leisure Studies Group, Victoria University, (1988 - 1990)
  • Acting Director and Physical Recreation Officer, Recreation Service, Victoria University (1982-89)
  • Manager, Dance=Arts, an Otago University dance group, (1981 - 1982).

Selection of project involvement

  • Directorships and National Board experience
  • Culture change projects
  • Strategic planning
  • Facility needs assessment and feasibility
  • Organisational and project reviews and development
  • Curriculum design for tertiary institutions and on-job training
  • Development of volunteer recruitment, selection and training resources and programmes
  • Training needs analysis and development of competency-based training programmes
  • Mapping of career pathways and design of qualifications
  • Facilitation of leadership workshops
  • Mentoring emerging and established leaders
  • Planning advisor to groups organising special events
  • Experience with a range of people who have special needs (Gender Equity, No Exceptions Disability Strategy)
  • Lecturing at universities and polytechnics
  • Research and development of recreation and physical activity plans
  • Design and implementation of management systems
  • Training workshops
  • Facilitation of organisational planning and development, team building

Recent projects and publications

  • (2024) Recreation Association Insights Publications (2017 – current) Full list appended
  • (2023) Annual Business Planning workshop, Wellington City Council Parks, Sport and Recreation
  • (2023) Waikato Regional Sport and Active Recreation Facilities strategy facilitation, plan review and writing, Sport Waikato
  • (2023) Tauranga City Council, Places and Spaces Business Unit Vision and Values
  • (2022) Peer Review and expert advice, Recreation Review, Victoria University of Wellington
  • (2022) International Working Group on Women and Sport, Global Progress Report 2018-2022
  • (2022) Invercargill City Council Libraries Strategy
  • (2021) Wellington City Council Our Active Capital Plan Peer Review
  • (2020-21) Strengthen and Adapt Change management, YMCA of New Zealand
  • (2020) Sport New Zealand Play Plan
  • (2020) Sport New Zealand Futures Project
  • (2020) Waikato Regional Sport and Active Recreation Facilities plan review and writing, Sport Waikato
  • (2020)  Wellington Smallbore Rifle Association Facility Feasibility Study
  • (2020) NZ Universities Women in Leadership Programme, Quadrennial Programme Evaluation
  • (2019)  Recreation Aotearoa Strategic Planning process
  • (2019)  Review of Invercargill Venue and Events Management, Invercargill City Council
  • (2018)  Sport New Zealand Active Recreation and Sport Disability Review
  • (2018) Review and development planning, Mornington Golf Club, WCC
  • (2017)  NZ Rugby Respect and Responsibility Review
  • (2017) Maclean Park Redevelopment, Kāpiti Coast District Council
  • (2016 – 19) Culture change programme, Kāpiti Coast District Council
  • (2016)  Wellington City Council Urban Design Roles, function and strategy
  • (2016) Gymnastics New Zealand Strategic Plan
  • (2016) Feasibility study for the redevelopment of the Hataitai Bowling Club
  • (2015) Aquatic Facility Management Manual, New Zealand Recreation Association
  • (2015) Leisure Facility Management Manual, SportNZ
  • (2015) NZ Recreation Association, Strategic Plan development
  • (2015) NZ Women in Leadership programme evaluation

Insights publications

Link to Insights


  • #40 Spatial Justice: fair provision of places to play
  • #41 AI and recreation


  • #35 Recruitment and selection
  • #36 Recreation and disasters
  • #37 Principles of Inclusion
  • #38 Local Government: Essential Services
  • #39 Water Safety


  • #30 Impact of Te Tiriti on Recreation
  • #31 Implications of COVID on Recreation: Re-creating leisure experiences post-pandemic
  • #32 Mental wellbeing
  • #33 Recreation and climate change
  • #34 Remember recreation


  • #21 Neighbourhood Niche
  • #22 Wild Play
  • #23 How’s your facility performing?
  • #24 Well minds
  • #25 Designing for a Sustainable Future
  • #26 Navigating the Future
  • #27 Over 65 and not out!
  • #28 Refuge Restoration and renewal in urban Aotearoa
  • #29 Rangatahi just want to have fun


  • #13 Family Harm
  • #14 Retrofitting Facilities
  • #15 Active Response I
  • #16 Active Response II Recreation at Level 4
  • #17 Active Response III Working at home
  • #18 Active Response IV Cems and Crems
  • #19 Active Response V Delivering recreation virtually
  • #20 Active Response VI Reopening places and spaces


  • #4 Fight or Flight in the Red Zone
  • #5 Developing a Carbon Inventory
  • #6 Invisible Disability
  • #6 Aquatic Facilities for the 21st Century
  • #7 Community LedDevelopment
  • #8 Child’s Play?
  • #10 Active Advocacy
  • #11 Celebrating Green Havens
  • #12 Equity and Leisure


  • #1 Outdoor recreation in a super diverse NZ
  • #2 Active NZ 2017 Analysis
  • #3 Recreation and the Wellbeing Framework