Associate Professor Jacqueline Leckie

Adjunct Research Fellow
Stout Research Centre

I am an Adjunct Research Fellow with the Stout Centre for New Zealand Studies at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington, where I was the J.D. Stout Research Fellow in 2018. I am also a Conjoint Associate Professor at the University of Newcastle in Australia. I taught for 27 years at the University of Otago, including being Head of the Department of Anthropology and Archaeology for five years. I have had a leading role within multidisciplinary research networks in Asian studies, Pacific studies, migration and health. Earlier I taught history at the University of the South Pacific and at Kenyatta University.

My interdisciplinary research and publications within Asia-Pacific studies, are in health history, migration and diaspora, ethnicity, identity and gender. Much of this research has emphasised subaltern, neglected, and silenced histories. In 2021 I wrote Invisible: New Zealand’s History of Excluding Kiwi-Indians, published by Massey University Press. My book, Colonizing Madness: Asylum and Community in Fiji was published by University of Hawai’i Press in 2020. I am now working on a manuscript, ‘Land of the Old Black Cloud: A Cultural History of Mental Depression in Aotearoa.' I am also investigating the cultural history of yaws and syphilis in the Pacific.

I am very proud of my contribution to Pacific studies, serving between 1994-2016 at different periods as Secretary/Treasurer/President of the Pacific History Association (PHA). I was awarded Life Membership of PHA and am a member of the Executive Committee. In 2019 I served on the External Review Panel of the Faculty of Arts at the National University of Sāmoa. I currently serve on the management and editorial boards of The Journal of Pacific History (and as book reviews co-editor) and on the international editorial advisory boards of The Canadian Journal of Development Studies, Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific, Fijian Studies, and the Global Girmit Institute.


Leckie, Jacqueline (2022) ‘“Go back to your country!” Excluding Indians in Contemporary Aotearoa New Zealand.’ In Narratives of Migrant and Refugee Discrimination in Aotearoa New Zealand, ed A. McCarthy, Routledge Studies in Migration and Diaspora Series.

Leckie, Jacqueline (2022), ‘Pacific Bodies and Personal Space Redefined, 1850-1950.’ In eds, The Cambridge History of the Pacific Ocean, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, A. Hattori, A., & J. Samson: 490–513.

Leckie, Jacqueline (2022) ‘White Man’s Kava’ in Fiji: Entangling alcohol, race and insanity, c. 1874-1970.’ In Alcohol, Psychiatry and Society, Comparative and transnational perspectives, c. 1700–1990, W. Ernst and T. Müller, eds. Manchester: Manchester University Press (2022), 126–156.

Leckie, Jacqueline (2022) ‘From Laucala Bay to the Region: the University of the South Pacific.’ In Suva Stories: A History of the Capital of Fiji, ed. N. Halter Canberra, ANU Press 293–312,

Leckie, Jacqueline (2022)  ‘Visibly Hidden in Suva: St Giles.’ In Suva Stories: A History of the Capital of Fiji, ed. N. Halter Canberra, ANU Press 207–228,

Leckie, Jacqueline (2021) Invisible. New Zealand’s History of Excluding Kiwi-Indians, Albany, Massey University Press.

Leckie, J. (2021). Insanity in a Sea of Islands: Mobility and Mental Health in New Zealand’s Pacific Sphere, Journal of NZ Studies NS32: 166–182.

Leckie, J. (2020). Colonizing Madness Asylum and Community in Fiji. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Leckie, J. (2019). “Yaws and Syphilis: Forgotten Diseases of Asia-Pacific”. Rockefeller Archive Center Research Report (2019).

Leckie, J. (2018). A University for the Pacific 50 Years of USP. Suva, USP.

Leckie, J. (2018). ‘A Rich Tapestry”: The Life and Heritage of Sir Anand Satyanand. In S. Bandyopadhyay, & J. Buckingham (Eds.), Indians and the Antipodes: Networks, Boundaries, and Circulation (pp. 223-253). New Delhi: Oxford University Press. Retrieved from

Leckie, J., & Hughes, F. (2017). Mental Health in the Smaller Pacific States. In M. Lewis, & H. Minas (Eds.), Mental Health in Asia and the Pacific: Historical and Cultural Perspectives (pp. 253-272). New York: Springer.

Leckie, J., McCarthy, A., & Wanhalla, A. (Eds.) (2017). Migrant cross-cultural encounters in Asia and the Pacific. Abingdon: Routledge.

Leckie, J., McCarthy, A., & Wanhalla, A. (2017). Introduction: Migrant cross-cultural encounters in Asia and the Pacific. In J. Leckie, A. McCarthy, & A. Wanhalla (Eds.), Migrant cross-cultural encounters in Asia and the Pacific (pp. 1-16). Abingdon: Routledge.

Roberts, G. J., Leckie, J., & Chang, O. (2017). The history of mental health in Fiji. In H. Minas, & M. Lewis (Eds.), Mental health in Asia and the Pacific: Historical and cultural perspectives (pp. 237-252). New York: Springer.

Leckie, J., & Durutalo, A. (2016). Kai Merika!: Fijian children of American servicemen. In J. Bennett, & A. Wanhalla (Eds.), Mothers' Darlings of the South Pacific: The Children of Indigenous Women and US Servicemen, World War II (pp. 183-201). Honolulu; Dunedin: University of Hawai’i Press; Otago University Press.

Leckie, J. (2015). Islands, intimate and public memories of the Pacific War in Fiji. In G. Carr, & K. Reeves (Eds.), Heritage and Memory of War: Responses from Small Islands(pp. 19-35). New York and London: Routledge.

Ghosh, G., & Leckie, J. (Eds.) (2015). Asians and the New Multiculturalism in Aotearoa New Zealand. Dunedin: Otago University Press.

Leckie, J. (2015). Afterword: Multiculturalism, being Asian and belonging in Aotearoa New Zealand. In G. Ghosh, & J. Leckie (Eds.), Asians and the new multiculturalism in Aotearoa New Zealand (pp. 285-299). Dunedin: Otago University Press.

Bennett, J. A., Leckie, J., & Wanhalla, A. (2014). Mothers' darlings: Secrets and silences in the wake of the Pacific War. In The Pacific War: Aftermaths, Remembrance and Culture (pp. 214-232).

Leckie, J. (2014). Anand Satyanand: A prominent son of the Indian diaspora. New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies16(2), 31-46.

Leckie, J. (2012). ‘Lost souls’: Madness, suicide, and migration in colonial Fiji until 1920. In A. McCarthy, & C. Coleborne (Eds.), Migration, Ethnicity and Mental Health: International Perspectives, 1840-2010 (pp. 123-140). New York and London: Routledge.

Edmond, J., Johnson, H., & Leckie, J. (2011). Recentring Asia: Histories, encounters, identities. Leiden: Global Oriental/Brill.

Leckie, J. (2011). Indians in the South Pacific: Recentred diasporas. In Recentring Asia: Histories, Encounters, Identities (pp. 54-84).

Leckie, J., Edmond, J., & Johnson, H. (2011). Introduction. In Recentring Asia: Histories, encounters, identities.

Voci, P., & Leckie, J. (2011). Localizing Asia in Aotearoa. Wellington: Dunmore Publishing.

Leckie, J. (2011). Introduction. In J. Edmond, H. Johnson, & J. Leckie (Eds.), Recentring Asia: Histories, encounters, identities (pp. 1-10). Leiden: The Netherlands: Global Oriental.

Leckie, J. (2009). Development in an insecure and gendered world: The relevance of the millennium goals. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Leckie, J. (2009). Development, gender and security in a new millennium. In Development in an Insecure and Gendered World: The Relevance of the Millennium Goals (pp. 3-28). Aldershot: Ashgate.

Leckie, Jacqueline, (2007) Indian Settlers. The Story of a New Zealand South Asian Community. Dunedin, Otago University Press.

Leckie, J. (1998). The southernmost Indian Diaspora: From Gujarat to Aotearoa. South Asia: Journal of South Asia Studies21, 161-180.

Leckie, J. (1997). To Labour with the State The Fiji Public Service Association. Otago University Press.

Clive Moore, Leckie, J., & Munro, D. (eds) (1990). Labour in the South Pacific. Townsville, James Cook University of North Queensland.