Freemasons Lankhuyzen/Whetu-Kairangi Music Awards

Find out about the scholarships granted to students by the Lankhuyzen/Whetu-Kairangi Masonic Trust.

The Lankhuyzen/Whetu-Kairangi Masonic Trust was formed in 2005 with the object of providing scholarships and grants to assist students to undertake further study in all areas of music, with preference being afforded to proposals involving Wellington residents or those studying in the Wellington region. The Trust’s income is derived from a bequest made to Lodge Whetu-Kairangi by its late member, Peter Lankhuyzen.

Open to music students of any age, whether or not associated with a teaching institution and to proposals which could be considered to fall outside the criteria of other funders.

Biannual Contestable Awards

Value: Up to $2000 and no more than half the total cost of the project.

Closing dates: 15 March and 1 September

These awards are intended to assist with short-term projects either within New Zealand or overseas (eg. attendance at performance, composition, or musicology workshops, auditions, summer schools, or conferences; short performance or research projects or courses of study; maintenance of instruments or equipment; examination fees)

Rapid Response Awards

Value: Up to half of the cost of a proposal, not exceeding $1000.

Closing date: Applications accepted at any time

These awards are intended to help fund high-value opportunities, or emergency situations which arise at short notice when a delay in funding would result in a serious disadvantage to the applicant ( unexpected audition opportunity out of Wellington; the emergency repair of an instrument; medical attention before a competition or examination; the provision of temporary rehearsal facilities).

More information

Download an information sheet about these awards which includes Eligibility Criteria and Application procedure.