
OneNote is essentially an electronic notebook for collecting, organizing and sharing digital information.

Its benefits include having all of your notes in one place, the ability to record lectures and pair those recordings with your notes. Additionally, OneNote can automatically sync to the cloud allowing you access to your notes from multiple platforms.

How to use

  • Open OneNote. If you don’t already have the programme installed on your computer, you can download it for free by following the instructions on the Victoria University of Wellington Student Software page.
  • Create a new notebook: Click the Show Notebooks button then the +Notebook button. This will allow you to name your notebook and save it by clicking Create a Notebook.
  • Creating a new section: Sections can be helpful to differentiate between subjects e.g. FINA301 and ECON201. To create a new section, go to the bottom of the section list and click +Section, this will bring you to a box allowing you to name your section and confirm it by pressing enter.
  • Save your Notebook: OneNote does not have a save button as it automatically saves everything for you.
  • Record a lecture: Click where on the page you wish to insert the recording then proceed to the insert tab at the top of the page and click Audio. OneNote begins recording immediately.

Top tips

  • Sharing your Notebook: This can be helpful for group projects or taking collective notes on a subject. In the upper right-hand corner of the window, click Share. Select which notebook you wish to share, than under Email invitation type in the email of the recipient. You can select if the recipient can edit or view. Click share to send the link.
  • For more OneNote tips, check out this video and see how OneNote is used in a variety of ways: