Olivia Pita-Sllim

Olivia smiling and kneeling behind a solar panel on a grassy hill.


Email: olivia.pitasllim@vuw.ac.nz

Office: CO504


BSc in Geophysical Engineering, UNAM, México (2019)

MSc in Geophysics, Victoria University of Wellington (2021)

PhD Candidate in Geophysics

Research Interests

Earthquakes, Seismic signals, Machine learning, Alpine Fault

PhD thesis


Seismicity and fault coupling along the Alpine Fault.


- Prof John Townend

- Dr Calum Chamberlain

- Dr Emily Warren-Smith (GNS Science)

Project objectives and description

My research aims to infer the locking distribution of the Alpine Fault using the diversity of observed signals in conjunction with machine learning techniques to process data from the more than 60 stations along the length of the Alpine Fault.