Ariya Xuxu Amoozegar-Montero

Digitally manufactured bras for women who have undergone breast surgery: an investigation into fit, comfort, and individualised sizing.

A well-fitted bra is crucial for a woman's physical and mental health. It can reduce discomfort and pain and enhance confidence. Unfortunately, it has been shown that at least 80% of women wear the wrong size and fit. This issue is even more acute for women who have undergone breast surgery, ranging from a lack of availability to find the right fit. However, even then, they are often less satisfied with the fit and design of the available bras.

Xuxu Amoozegar-Montero's research focuses on understanding the challenges and needs of women who have had breast reconstruction or lumpectomy and the role that bras play after surgery. Her study also explores digital manufacturing techniques, specifically 3D knitting, to develop bras that provide better fit and comfort. The research objectives include gathering insights into women's experiences, creating design criteria based on findings, designing and manufacturing 3D knitted prototypes, and collecting and analysing breast measurement data to inform individualised designs.

This research addresses an overlooked issue of bra use after breast surgery, specifically for women who have undergone breast reconstruction or lumpectomy in Aotearoa, New Zealand. The findings of this research will contribute to a greater understanding of women's unique needs and experiences post-breast surgery and the role that bras play after surgery.


Academic awards

KiwiNet Emerging Innovator Programme; MedTech CoRE Student Grant; Best oral presentation for Manufacturing and Design 2019