New Book by Professor Ronald Fischer

Congratulations Professor Ronald Fischer on his new book!


Humans are complex social beings. To understand human behaviour, an
integrated perspective is required - one which considers both what we
regularly do (our personality traits) and what motivates us (our values).

Personality, Values, Culture uses an evolutionary perspective to look at
the similarities and differences in personality and values across modern
societies. Integrating research on personality and human values into a
functional framework that highlights their underlying compatibilities
(driven by shared genetic and brain mechanisms), Fischer describes how
personality is shaped by the complex interplay between genes and the
environment, both over the course of human evolution and within the
lifespan of individuals. He proposes a gene-culture coevolution model of
personality and values to explain how and why people differ around the
world and how genes, economics, social conditions, and climate jointly shape personality.

Information on how to purchase the book: