Conference themes

Landscapes and ecologies of urban and planning history

Conference themes relate to the history and planning of:

  1. Hard and soft infrastructures including transport facilities, waste disposal and water management systems, and their relationship to national regional or local ecological systems.
  2. Ecological conservation and landscape or urban regeneration at international national and local scales in response to external or internal pressures.
  3. Experimental or utopian cities, communities or landscapes as a result of social or political imperatives, built environment theory and practice or international national or local trends.
  4. Disaster management responsiveness or urban resilience strategies in response to natural disasters climate change, or extreme weather events.
  5. Indigenous and immigrant environments in Australasian landscapes and cities.

The five themes have crystallised in relation to the broad remit of the Australasian Urban History / Planning History group, the unique setting of Wellington and topical issues of the day. The conference organisers welcome quality papers on a range of topics illuminating important aspects of Australian and New Zealand urban and planning history.

Papers would be expected to be based on original research drawn from studies of particular places, initiatives, projects, institutions and individuals.

Contributions are welcome from historians and other social scientists, planners, architects, landscape architects, urban designers, heritage practitioners, environmental scientists and other related disciplines.