Welcome to Dr Rita McNamara

Welcome to Dr Rita McNamara!

Welcome to Dr Rita McNamara

Welcome Rita!

Rita joins our Cross-Cultural team of academics and has recently finished her PhD at the University of British Columbia. She hails from Vancouver, BC, Canada and her work crosses some fascinating interdisciplinary divides including the study of religion, morality, theory of mind, and social cognition. Rita's work also has a Pacifica orientation, with her recent field work being carried out in rural Fiji.

Rita's work has focused on three main themes:

  1. How religious beliefs influence decisions to cooperate with various social others
  2. How norms about inferring other's mental states and cultural models of mind influence moral reasoning and judgements.
  3. How perceptions of resource security intersect with religious beliefs and local cultural norms to promote local or more distant social interests

In her new role Rita will be coordinating the following courses for 2017: PSYC 238 Special Topic: Lifespan Development and PSYC 431 Culture and Human Development.
