2022 news

Read news items from our 2022 archives.

  • woman with dark hair pulled back, wearing colourful top, against background of wood and steel

    Sweat, Salt Water, and Pacific Studies

    As a country in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, Aotearoa is home to a wide range of Pacific cultures. Nobody was more alert to this than the founding academic of Pacific Studies, Dr Teresia Teaiwa.

  • The challenges and highlights of pandemic theatre

    The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed the way many people live their lives, go about their work, and pursue their passions. We spoke with two Theatre alumni of Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington about how the pandemic has impacted their livelihoods and the production of theatre in Aotearoa New Zealand.

  • Izzie Lao, alumnus and lighting designer/actor

    Izzie is a lighting designer and actor who graduated from Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington in 2018. Since then, they have been working as a lighting designer and an actor in Wellington.

  • Eleanor Bishop, theatre director and alumna

    Eleanor Bishop is a theatre director who graduated from Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington in 2009. Normally based between New York and New Zealand, the COVID-19 pandemic meant Eleanor had to limit her theatre work to one location, choosing to stay in New Zealand.

  • Dr Alfio Leotta and Dr Diego Bonelli

    The changing face of tourism promotion

    Have you ever watched Mamma Mia and felt a strong pull to holiday in the Greek Islands? Or perhaps you’ve seen somebody’s Gold Coast wedding on Facebook and booked your tickets?

  • Emeritus Professor Laurie Bauer

    The many mysteries of English grammar

    You might think there are very few mysteries left in the English language. After all, it is spoken by about 1.5 billion people across the globe and has been the subject of rigorous academic study across several disciplines for many, many years.