TLRI success for Faculty

The Faculty of Education has had great success in the recent Teaching and Learning ResearchInitiative (TLRI), receiving three out of the eight grants awarded nationally.

The Faculty of Education has had great success in the recent Teaching and Learning Research Initiative (TLRI), receiving three out of the eight grants awarded nationally

The following projects have received funding:

  • Te Whatu Kete Mātauranga: weaving Māori and Pasifika infant and toddler theory and practice in early childhood education—Dr Lesley Rameka with Ali Glasgow
  • Creating active citizens? Interpreting, implementing and assessing ‘personal social action’ in NCEA Social Studies—Dr Bronwyn Wood with Dr Michael Johnston
  • The impact of children’s everyday learning on teaching and learning in classrooms across schools. This project was particularly highly rated by the scoring system and the only project in this round funded for three years—Dr Roseanna Bourke, along with academic colleagues from Massey University
These projects all involve the formation of strong teams that I believe will contribute more broadly to our research experience and expertise.
David Crabbe, Dean of Education, describes the success as a fantastic tick for the relevance and quality of the Faculty’s research