The Digital Work Lab

Welcome to the Digital Work Lab, where we explore the fascinating intersection of technology, work, and human interaction.

Step into the future with us and envision a scenario where work transcends physical boundaries, taking place in the virtual realm of the so-called Metaverse. Imagine a world where we collaborate seamlessly with colleagues and AI teammates from across the globe, blurring the lines between physical and digital realities

You find yourself in a virtual office space. As you prepare for a project meeting, your (AI-based) virtual intelligent assistant, Hana, greets you with updates on the latest business figures and suggests innovative ideas based on real-time data analysis. Hana has become an integral part of your team, providing insights, automating routine tasks, and enhancing your decision-making processes. As the meeting begins, you engage in a lively discussion, exchanging ideas with colleagues who hail from different countries and backgrounds. The virtual environment allows for effortless communication, regardless of distance. Hana actively contributes to the conversation, analyzing complex datasets and offering valuable suggestions, enriching the collective intelligence of the team.

At the Digital Work Lab, we delve into the future of work, studying the profound impact of AI on our professional lives from an interdisciplinary perspective. How does AI change the way we collaborate, make decisions, and innovate? What are the implications for individual workers, organizations, and society as a whole? Furthermore, we delve into the ethical considerations surrounding AI at work. How do we ensure that AI systems are fair, transparent, and accountable? How can we mitigate biases and ensure that AI technology enhances human capabilities rather than replacing them? These are crucial questions that guide our research, aiming to shape the responsible and ethical implementation of AI in the workplace.

Another area of focus is the concept of hybrid work, exploring how virtual environments like the Metaverse and underlying technologies like Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality shape the dynamics of remote and in-person collaboration. We investigate the challenges and opportunities presented by this new paradigm, aiming to develop strategies that enable individuals and teams to thrive in this digital landscape. Another crucial aspect of our research is the examination of social media at work. As online platforms increasingly infiltrate our professional lives, we explore their impact on communication, productivity, and social dynamics within organizations. We analyze how social media platforms can be harnessed to foster collaboration, knowledge sharing, and innovation while addressing potential pitfalls such as information overload and privacy concerns.

Join us at the Digital Work Lab as we unravel the complexities of the future of work. Together, we explore the boundaries of technology, uncover new possibilities, and develop insights that empower individuals and organizations to navigate this transformative era. As the world evolves, we stand at the forefront, driving innovation and envisioning a new paradigm of work that is both human-centric and efficient.

The Digital Work Lab disseminates the results of its research through journal articles, conferences, workshops, and public engagement activities. Find out more.