Laser spectroscopy machine in a dark room.


We design and use state-of-the-art ultrafast laser technology for fundamental research and advanced material characterisation.

The science

Spectroscopy is all about the reaction of materials to light and measures how light is changed during an interaction with a material sample. Using spectroscopy, we can understand the properties of the material, whether a semiconductor for a printed solar cell, a photonic chip, or a fluorescently tagged protein.

Ultrafast spectroscopy (UFS) is an increasingly popular technique that provides greater depth of insight compared with traditional optical spectroscopy. It uses ultrafast pulsed lasers to measure material dynamics that occur in very short timescales at molecular level.

Impact and potential

The patented techniques and equipment developed and used at Paihau—Robinson Research Institute, in collaboration with the School of Chemical and Physical Sciences, includes access to advanced ultrafast light sources (UFS). We have developed turnkey integrated UFS solutions. This enables analysis across the ultraviolet-visible-near-infrared spectrum within a single experiment, and the ability to integrate multiple UFS methods into a single product solution.

This capability is ideal for studying how samples progress through intermediate states as they photosynthesise. It will therefore have a large role to play in the commercial development of organic solar cells to replace silicon, with the potential to integrate into existing industrial workflows.

Our partnerships with laser manufacturers also give the Institute access to light sources that are not yet commercially available.


  • Access to spectroscopic laboratories with advanced femtosecond laser sources
  • High pulse energy and high average power ultrafast lasers
  • Access to advanced light sources that are not yet commercially available
  • Patented techniques and equipment
  • Strong collaboration with other innovators in laser techniques and material sciences

The people

Dr Kai Chen manages the ultrafast spectroscopy lab located at the School of Chemical and Physical Sciences (SCPS), Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington. He has a background in physics, and most of his research is in the properties of materials. During his career, he has developed and implemented new and experimental techniques that were inspired by crucial physics processes and questions.

Senior Scientist
Robinson Research Institute