Michael Watson / Study Spy & Obvious

Michael Watson / Study Spy & Obvious

The Atom innovation space, RH G10, Ground Floor, Rutherford House, Pipitea campus

Victoria Entrepreneur Bootcamp - Summer Speaker Series

So - you get your startup off the ground, cobbling all your knowledge together as you build up a patchwork company that does what it needs to do at the time. At some point though you are going to have to take your operations seriously. CRMs and productivity management tools suddenly become really important as you start to grow your customer base and team. Michael is a Bootcamp Alumni from the 2015-2016 cohort. His company StudySpy went through multiple iterations initially and slowly settled into what it is now - the number 1 tool for students exploring tertiary study in NZ. Obvious was created along the way and is a cool marketing company that gets results. https://studyspy.ac.nz https://makeitobvious.co.nz/

RSVP: Emily.Sullivan@viclink.co.nz