
Students contribute art galleries and critical reflections on contemporary philosophical controversies and questions raised by art and culture.

PHIL 268: Philosophy of Popular Culture

About the course: This course presents a series of contemporary philosophical controversies and questions raised by art and culture.

Course coordinator: AProf Sondra Bacharach

Assessment details: Assessment focuses on building student critical thought around philosophy and art. In this course, students have developed an understanding of the presence of philosophical thought in art. Assessment provides students with the opportunity to apply these learnings to street art by examining, evaluating, and responding to contemporary street art.

  • Assessment 1: Students write a critical reflection on a piece of street art and relate it to philosophical ideas relevant to the course.
  • Assessment 2: Expands upon assessment one by writing a reflection on three street artworks.
  • Assessment 3: Develops upon the previously explored ideas and critical skills. This time, students respond critically to artworks previously reflected upon by others in the class in assessments one and two.

Student work

The class contributed to a Miro board where they displayed their critical reflections on street art.

View the Miro board and group work