Electronic and Computer System Engineering

Find out how the Electronic and Computer System Engineering major has been replaced by the Electrical and Electronic Engineering major and its specialisations.

The Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (BE(Hons)) major in Electronic and Computer System Engineering (ECEN) is closed to new applicants.

We offer a major in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEEN) with the opportunity to specialise in Renewable Energy Systems Engineering, Robotics, Machine Learning, or Communications Engineering.

Students who commenced a BE(Hons) majoring in Electronic and Computer Systems in 2020 or earlier will be able to either:

  • Complete their degree under the new rules for the Electrical and Electronic Engineering major.
  • Complete their degree under the existing rules for the Electronic and Computer Systems major. This will require some substitution of old ECEN courses with new EEEN courses as described below.

The School of Engineering and Computer Science has contacted current students with details about transition plans. If you would like more information contact the School or Faculty Office.

Previous regulations

The regulations for the former Electronic and Computer System Engineering (ECEN) major are taken from the 2020 Calendar:

(a) (ENGR 121, 122) or (MATH 142, 151); (ENGR 141, 142) or (PHYS 114, 115)

(b) COMP 103, ECEN 202, 203, 204, 220, 301, 315, 321, MATH 244

(c) At least one course from COMP 261, MATH 245, NWEN 241, 243, SWEN 221

(d) At least one course from COMP 307, ECEN 302, 303, 310, NWEN 301, 302, 304, SWEN 303

(e) At least three courses from ECEN 401–439, ENGR 440; one further course from COMP 421, ECEN 401–479, ENGR 440, 441, NWEN 402, 403, 404 or SWEN 422

Substitute courses

Students completing a major in Electronic and Computer System Engineering (ECEN) will need to make the following substitutions:

(a) No change.

(b) COMP 103, EEEN 202, 203, 204, 220, 301, 315, 320, ENGR 222 or MATH 244 (from 2021–2022)

(c) No change.

(d) At least one course from COMP 307, EEEN 310, 313, NWEN 301, 302, 304, SWEN 303, RESE 321, EEEN 325 (from 2022)

(e) At least three courses from EEEN 401-439, ENGR 440, one further course from COMP 421, 471 (in 2020), AIML 425, 429, ECEN 401-479, ENGR 440, ENGR441, NWEN 402, 403, RESE 411, 412 or SWEN 422 (from 2023)