Anna Thomson

The analytical skills and theory Anna picked up in Media Studies play an important part in her role as an information security consultant.

Head and torso photo of Anna Thomson in front of greenery

I studied a conjoint Commerce and Arts degree majoring in Information Systems, Management, and Media Studies. Initially I started only with Commerce as I was interested in business and technology. I saw this as a credible path that would help me to secure a job when finishing my studies. However, after being so passionately involved in media studies at high school, I felt like I had left behind one of my important interests.

It is worth knowing that Media Studies at university lives up to the name—it’s a study. The course overall is theoretical and makes you think. Media Studies combines aspects of politics, society, and technology and lets you explore the changes and similarities in theory over time. I picked up television studies courses, as I have always enjoyed textual analysis, but in the end found myself engaging more with media theory and culture/politics courses as they encouraged me to think in a way I had not done so previously.

Media Studies has helped me realise the power of the media within an information-rich culture and society. It has made me consider not only how the media can shape us, but how we shape the media. Even when watching ‘mindless’ television or scrolling social media I find myself analysing the content I’m viewing and the message that’s being shared and framed. I enjoyed being able to study my favourite TV shows and films or analyse news content to identify a deeper meaning or agenda that we may not realise. In addition to critical thinking, Media Studies allowed me to develop writing and presentation skills.

After studying as a Media Studies major, I was offered a role as a consultant with EY, one of the largest multi-national professional services firms in the world. There my focus was in technology risk management. This may not sound like the go-to career for a Media Studies graduate, however every industry and organisation engages with the media and public audiences in some way and understanding how is very useful no matter what the career path.

After two years with EY, I moved into an information security role at Quantum Security Services, where I am now a managing security consultant. Having a Media Studies background helps me in my security role by allowing me to quickly understand the business context and user requirements for IT systems that I’m assessing. There is a balancing act between systems being so secure that they are not user friendly! Preventing data leakage and ensuring security awareness requires an understanding of media and how it shapes our decisions and actions, specifically when people are uploading and downloading data. It’s important to know when and where it’s appropriate to do so.

I look back on my Media Studies degree with great delight and I’m glad the skills and concepts I learnt have stayed with me through my career so far.