Visiting Fulbright Distinguished Teacher

Hakan Armağan, Fulbright Distinguished Teacher, is visiting Victoria to learn about New Zealand’s renewable energy policies and environmental sustainability.

Hakan Armagan head and shoulders

The Antarctic Research Centre (ARC) warmly welcomes its first visitor for the year, Hakan Armağan, who is here on a Fulbright Distinguished Teacher Award from the U.S. Department of State. Hakan is here at Victoria to research New Zealand’s renewable energy policies and environmental sustainability.

"With two-thirds of its energy coming from renewable resources, New Zealand offers an opportunity to learn new perspectives on energy use, environment and sustainability. I have been looking forward to conducting my research here in New Zealand's beautiful capital city, where government policy makers and the experts are all nearby. I want to understand the research side of sustainable practices of New Zealand. In addition, I will be visiting high school teachers to learn how environmental and sustainability topics are introduced in the classrooms, as well as share my experience with them."

Hakan is working with Tim Naish to understand the consequences of climate change on the Antarctic and the impacts on the rest of the world. He is also working with Mike Taylor at the Victoria University School of Education to learn about environmental sustainability education in New Zealand.

Hakan has been teaching physics for the last eleven years, as well as an energy and nuclear science (a course designed by him) since 2007 at Burke High School, which is a public school for ages 14 – 18, in Omaha, Nebraska. He has an extensive academic and research background on nuclear physics, physics and energy. Hakan has two Master's degrees and has spent several summers working on nuclear physics research at Oak Ridge National Laboratories in Tennessee, thermonuclear fusion research at Los Alamos National Laboratories in New Mexico, and nanophysics research to help improve solar energy efficiency at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in Florida.

Hakan has received several awards including Honorary Teacher of 2012 from his school and he has also been featured in Nuclear News, Space Foundation and Oak Ridge National Laboratory Education Programs.

Originally from Turkey, Hakan is already enjoying living by the sea again. He welcomes hearing from anyone with related interests. If you would like to contact Hakan, he is based at the ARC until he returns home to the United States in June 2015.


Phone 04 463 5336

Room CO515,
Cotton Building,
Antarctic Research Centre Level 5,
Gate 7 Kelburn Parade,
Kelburn Campus