Vanessa Monteiro


Phone: 022 363 4605
Office: CO103


BSc Federal University of Parana (2012); MSc Federal University of Parana (2015); MSc Pennsylvania State University (2018)
PhD Candidate in Environmental Studies

PhD thesis


Quantifying urban greenhouse gases from New Zealand cities.


Project objectives and description



Monteiro V., N. Miles, S. Richardson, J. Turnbull, A. Karion, J. Kim, L. Mitchell, J. C. Lin, M. Sargent, S. Wofsy, F. Vogel, and K. Davis. (2022). The impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on greenhouse gases: a multi-city analysis of in situ atmospheric observations. Environmental Research Communications 4, 041004. doi:10.1088/2515-7620/ac66cb

Monteiro V., N. Miles, S. Richardson, Z. Barkley, B. J. Haupt, and K. J. Davis. (2022). Methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and δ13CH4 observations from the Permian Basin tower network. Environmental System Science Data (preprint) doi:10.5194/essd-2022-33

Lyon, D.R., B. Hmiel, R. Gautam, M. Omara, K. Roberts, Z.R. Barkley, K.J. Davis, N.L. Miles, V. Monteiro, S.J. Richardson, S. Conley, M.L. Smith, D.J. Jacob, L. Shen, D.J. Varon, A. Deng, X. Rudelis, N. Sharma, K.T. Story, A.R. Brandt, M. Kang, E.A. Kort, A.J. Marchese, and S.P. Hamburg (2021). Concurrent variation in oil and gas methane emissions and oil price during the COVID-19 pandemic. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 21 (9), 6605-6626. doi:10.5194/acp-21-6605-2021

Monteiro, V., N. L. Miles, S. J. Richardson, Z. R. Barkley, B. J. Haupt, and K. J. Davis. (2021). Permian Basin: in-situ tower greenhouse gas data. Data Commons, Penn State doi:10.26208/98y5-t941

Monteiro, V. (2020). Convective boundary layer characterization in the Amazon rainforest before and after the passage of mesoscale convective systems. Ciência e Natura 42, 2 doi:10.5902/2179460X45217