Harkness Fellowships in Health Care Policy and Practice Roadshow 2015

Harkness Fellowships in Health Care Policy and Practice Roadshow 2015

Date: 6 May 2015 Time: 12.30 pm


Would you like to spend a year in the USA studying health policy?

Inviting all mid-career health focused professionals including practitioners, researchers, policy analysts, journalists and legal experts.

Come along to learn more about this unique mid-career opportunity. This seminar offers an overview of the Fellowship programme, details of the Fellowships and the types of research projects that can be undertaken, and an explanation of the application process.

Bring your questions along to this interactive seminar featuring contributions from NZ Harkness Fellows and a member of the Fellowship selection panel:

Chair - Dr Karen Poutasi, Chief Executive of NZQA and Chair of the NZ Selection Committee for Harkness Fellowships. Previously she was the Director General of Health and has worked in senior management roles across the health sector. She received a CNZM for services to health in 2006.

Harkness Fellow - Professor Ron Paterson is a New Zealand Parliamentary Ombudsman and Professor of Law at the University of Auckland (currently on leave). He was New Zealand Health and Disability Commissioner 2000–2010. Ron held a Harkness Fellowship at Georgetown University in 1998–99. He is an international expert on patients’ rights, complaints, healthcare quality and the regulation of health professions, and author of The Good Doctor: What Patients Want (2012).

Harkness Fellow - Martin Hefford is CEO of Compass Health. Prior to joining Compass, he was Director Primary Healthcare and Community Services at Counties Manukau DHB, and was also a director of Australasian consultancy firm, Sapere Research Group. He has 20 years’ experience in health services planning and change management and has held many roles in the health sector. Martin was a 2003 Harkness Fellow, and was based at Kaiser Permanente.

There is no charge and all are welcome to attend.

Please email your interest to Briar Naish, Harkness Fellowships in Health Care Policy & Practice NZ at briar@campbellnaish.com .