James K Baxter: venerated poet's letters about marital rape rock New Zealand

Emeritus Professor Mark Williams was quoted in a recent Guardian article discussing shocking relevations about the New Zealand poet.

"Williams said the rape admission “came as a surprise”, but was consistent with what he already knew of Baxter.

“He observed his own adulteries objectively as part of the fallen human condition. This even extended to marital rape. I’m not sure if he was simply a phoney, as some have observed. He was genuinely religious. The problem is that his religious faith allowed him to regard his sexual failings – small and great – at a quizzical remove.”"

Read the whole article in The Guardian.

Eleanor Ainge Roy. James K Baxter: venerated poet's letters about marital rape rock New Zealand. The Guardian. 15 February 2019.


Photograph: 1/2-058011-F, Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand