PhD Colloquium 2013

2013 PhD Colloquium details.

28 February - 1 March 2013


Hosted by the School of Accounting and Commercial Law & New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants

Venue: Pipitea Campus, Railway West Wing

Following the success of colloquia for New Zealand PhD candidates in accounting held in 2006, 2007, 2009 and 2011 at Victoria University of Wellington, it has been decided to repeat the event.


The aims are to facilitate a network amongst accounting PhD candidates in New Zealand and to help develop their individual research and careers.



The detailed programme is subject to review when numbers and participants are better known. However, it will include plenary sessions on topics pertinent to each stage of successfully completing a PhD and its aftermath, with opportunities for individual participants to present their work to date and gain feedback in group sessions and/or tutorials. It is expected that participants will attend both days, though under exceptional circumstances, one day's attendance may be possible.


PhD candidates at all stages ranging from consideration of registration to close to completion. Masters-level students undertaking thesis work are also encouraged to attend.

Instructions to participants

Please indicate your interest in participating in the SACL PhD Colloquium by emailing Lee Vassiliadis at by no later than Monday, 4 February 2013.

Applicants are encouraged to register their interest as early as possible. Applications will be considered in order of receipt up until 4 February 2013 or when places are filled, whichever occurs first.

Registration for this Colloquium is free of charge. The School will provide morning and afternoon teas and lunch for both days. All other expenses including travel and accommodation are at the delegates’ expense.

It is envisaged that each participant will submit prior and bring to the Colloquium:

a) A one page summary/outline of their PhD research and a maximum of two presentation slides detailing the key points in this outline; and

b) One presentation slide detailing a significant retrospective, current or prospective problem associated with doing the PhD (or its aftermath). The problems may range from administrative to academic.


Victoria University, Pipitea Campus
Railway West Wing, Railway Station

Other information

We look forward to seeing you at the SACL PhD Colloquium on Thursday, 28 February and Friday, 1 March 2013!.