Student success at National Māori Moot

Kohe Ruwhiu Mooting

Law and commerce student Kohe Ruwhiu was part of the winning team at the National Māori Moot Competition at Waitangi in early September, taking home the Manukura Taonga.

Representing Victoria University and Ngā Rangahautira (Victoria’s Māori Law Students’ Association), Kohe was joined by Inigo Kwan-Parsons from Auckland University and Aperahama Hurihanganui from Waikato University). The team acted as the Crown.

Kohe mooted on standing to sue for the Crown on a fictitious scenario based on Wākatu—a case to be heard in the Supreme Court in October.

The judicial panel consisted of Deputy Chief Judge Caren Fox, Judge Coxhead and Justice Lowell Goddard.

Kohe was named as part of the national team after winning best individual mooter and the best moot team in the Victoria Māori Moot.