Head Tutor series—introducing Sean Brennan

Sean Brennan

Sean is the Head Tutor for the Law of Torts (LAWS212). He is also experiencing minor celebrity as one of this year’s Know Your Mind students, Victoria’s undergraduate recruitment campaign.

What attracted you to studying law at Victoria?
In my first year I studied towards a Bachelor of Music majoring in Composition and lived at Weir House which was predominantly populated with law students. I developed an interest in what the other law students were studying and decided that I too would study law and continue studying music as well.

What have been some of the highlights and challenges?
The law degree is a very challenging, but highly rewarding, programme of study. I found that the most difficult aspect of the law degree was the 200-level courses in my second year, which are a significant step up from the first-year courses. These courses push you to develop a number of key analytical skills while also encouraging you to think beyond the material presented, to see the wider implications of a particular legal position (particularly in the Law of Torts).

One of this year’s highlights was having my LAWS489 research paper published in the Victoria University of Wellington Law Review. Another great moment was winning the Senior Mooting competition with fellow student Nathalie Harrington.

How have you found your tutoring experience this year?
Tutoring not only gives you the chance to revisit material you’ve previously studied, but allows you to think about it more deeply. It’s also a great way to further develop your communication skills. Tutorials often require the packaging of complex ideas in more clearly descriptive language.

Students also help tutors to learn. They often have questions which pose very interesting challenges to accepted positions of law. Consequently, having an open mind to the views offered in tutorials can help both students and tutors.

What are your plans for the future?
This summer I will be clerking at Russell McVeagh. Other than that, my plans for the future are open. I will see what options are available towards the end of next year when I will (hopefully!) be completing my degree.

Watch Sean’s Know Your Mind story: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/knowyourmind/sean