Pansa Prommas

Find out about one of our recent PhD graduate students, Pansa Prommas.

Pansa Prommas is currently a Lecturer in the Business English Program at Prince of Songkla University (PSU), Thailand.

Pansa earned a BA (Hons, First-class) in English at Thaksin University and an MA in Teaching English as an International Language at PSU.

Besides her teaching career since 2008, Pansa was on the executive committees of the Business English Program at PSU and the Thailand TESOL (Lower-Southern Affiliate) from 2013 to 2015.

She completed her PhD in Applied Linguistics at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington. Her thesis was entitled ‘Metadiscourse in postgraduate writing’. It centred on the use of textual and interpersonal markers in Master’s theses and on the quality of postgraduate students' writing.