Negar Partow

The study of the role of religion in international security gave Negar a solid foundation for lecturing in Security Studies.

Portrait of Negar Partow. Negar has dark hair and wears red glasses.

Study of Religion at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington has had significant impact in my academic and career development. I came to Wellington from Tehran, Iran in March 2002 as the result of being accepted for the Master’s degree. Study of Religion soon became my second home. The professional and friendly atmosphere of the programme not only assisted me to study, but also enabled me to overcome the problems of starting my life in a new country. I then began working as a tutor, and in later years I became a guest lecturer and course coordinator in Study of Religion. I continued my studies and worked in the programme until I completed my PhD. The experience of teaching under the supervision of highly qualified academics was very valuable and prepared me to apply for full-time academic positions in the last year of my studies. Study of Religion is a very multicultural programme and working with others, both students and tutors, gave me the opportunity to learn from other cultures and prove my ability to work in multicultural teams. This experience was most valuable when I was applying for jobs. In addition, Study of Religion enabled me to develop my ideas about the role of religion in national and international security discourses, and to apply for my present position as a senior lecturer in Security Studies at Massey University.

During my studies I further developed skills in analytical thinking, research methods, and writing. These skills proved to be critical in my academic development. During my postgraduate time in Study of Religion, I studied a wide range of theories and developed skills to apply them to real case studies and understand their limits. During the time of writing my PhD, these studies became the foundations for developing my own theory on the relationship between religion and security. What I have loved most about Study of Religion is the career opportunity it offered me. Students who join the programme can apply for jobs in both the public and private sectors, particularly as the general awareness about the role of religion in world affairs increases.